CITA-Alzhemirren ekoizpen zientifikoan 105 lan (94 artikulu zientifiko) argitaratu dira 2010eko azaro eta 2021eko maiatz bitartean (iturria, Web of Science).
Argitalpen horiek 2.127 artikulutan izan dira hizpide. Guztira 2.324 aipamen egin dira, eta horietatik 2.251 ez dira geuk eginak.
Aldizkari zientifikoetan argitaratutako artikuluen % 70etik gora lehenengo kuartileko aldizkarietan argitaratu dira.
- Bocchetta, Martina; Galluzzi, Samantha; Kehoe, Patrick Gavin; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Yener, Goersev; Zekry, Dina; Frisoni, Giovanni B. The use of biomarkers for the etiologic diagnosis of MCI in Europe: An EADC survey ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.06.006
- Arbizu, J.; Garcia-Ribas, G.; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […]J. L. Recommendations for the use of PET imaging biomarkers in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative conditions associated with dementia:SEMNIM and SEN consensus REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE MEDICINA NUCLEAR E IMAGEN MOLECULAR Doi: 10.1016/j.remnie.2015.05.004
- Lopez-de-Ipina, K.; Martinez-de-Lizarduy, U.; Barroso, N.; Ecay-Torres, M.; Martinez-Lage, P.; Torres,F.; Faundez-Zanuy, Marcos. Automatic analysis of Categorical Verbal Fluency for Mild Cognitive impartment detection: A non-linear language independent approach 2015 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORK CONFERENCE ON BIOINSPIRED INTELLIGENCE (IWOBI) Doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160151
- Lopez-de-Ipina, K.; Alonso, J. B.; Sole-Casals, J.; […]Ecay-Torres, M.; Martinez-Lage, P.; […] On Automatic Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Spontaneous Speech Analysis and Emotional Temperature COGNITIVE COMPUTATION Doi: 10.1007/s12559-013-9229-9
- Toledo, Jon B.; Zetterberg, Henrik; van Harten, Argonde C.; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Trojanowski, John Q.; Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging. Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker in cognitively normal subjects BRAIN Doi: 10.1093/brain/awv199
- Lopez-de-Ipina, K.; Martinez-de-Lizarduy, U.; Barroso, N.; Ecay-Torres, M.; Martinez-Lage, P.; Torres,F.; Faundez-Zanuy, Marcos. Automatic analysis of Categorical Verbal Fluency for Mild Cognitive impartment detection: A non-linear language independent approach 2015 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORK CONFERENCE ON BIOINSPIRED INTELLIGENCE (IWOBI) Doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160151
- Lopez-de-Ipina, K.; Alonso, J. B.; Sole-Casals, J.; […]Ecay-Torres, M.; Martinez-Lage, P.; […] On Automatic Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Spontaneous Speech Analysis and Emotional Temperature COGNITIVE COMPUTATION Doi: 10.1007/s12559-013-9229-9
- Toledo, Jon B.; Zetterberg, Henrik; van Harten, Argonde C.; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Trojanowski, John Q.; Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging. Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker in cognitively normal subjects BRAIN Doi: 10.1093/brain/awv199
- Soto-Gordoa, Myriam; Arrospide, Arantzazu; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Castilla, Ivan; Mar, Javier. Projecting Burden of Dementia in Spain, 2010-2050: Impact of Modifying Risk Factors JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE Doi: 10.3233/JAD-150233
- Lopez-de-Ipina, Karmele; Sole-Casals, Jordi; […]Ecay-Torres, Miriam; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […] Feature selection for spontaneousspeech analysis to aid in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: A fractal dimension approach COMPUTER SPEECHAND LANGUAGE Doi: 10.1016/j.csl.2014.08.002
- Soto-Gordoa, Myriam; Arrospide, Arantzazu; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Castilla, Ivan; Mar, Javier. Projecting Burden of Dementia in Spain, 2010-2050: Impact of Modifying Risk Factors JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE Doi: 10.3233/JAD-150233
- Lopez-de-Ipina, Karmele; Sole-Casals, Jordi; […]Ecay-Torres, Miriam; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […] Feature selection for spontaneousspeech analysis to aid in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: A fractal dimension approach COMPUTER SPEECHAND LANGUAGE Doi: 10.1016/j.csl.2014.08.002
- Mar, Javier; Soto-Gordoa, Myriam; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo. Fitting the epidemiology and neuropathology of the early stages of Alzheimer's disease to prevent dementia ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY Doi: 10.1186/s13195-014-0079-9
- Alcolea, Daniel; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Ecay-Torres, Mirian; Estanga, Ainara; Clerigue, Montserrat; […]Lleo, Alberto. Amyloid precursor protein metabolism and inflammation markers in preclinical Alzheimer disease NEUROLOGY Doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001859
- Mar, Javier; Soto-Gordoa, Myriam; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo. Fitting the epidemiology and neuropathology of the early stages of Alzheimer's disease to prevent dementia ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY Doi: 10.1186/s13195-014-0079-9
- Alcolea, Daniel; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Ecay-Torres, Mirian; Estanga, Ainara; Clerigue, Montserrat; […]Lleo, Alberto. Amyloid precursor protein metabolism and inflammation markers in preclinical Alzheimer disease NEUROLOGY Doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001859
- Bocchetta, Martina; Galluzzi, Samantha; Kehoe, Patrick Gavin; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Yener, Goersev; Zekry, Dina; Frisoni, Giovanni B. The use of biomarkers for the etiologic diagnosis of MCI in Europe: An EADC survey ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.06.006
- Arbizu, J.; Garcia-Ribas, G.; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […]J. L. Recommendations for the use of PET imaging biomarkers in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative conditions associated with dementia:SEMNIM and SEN consensus REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE MEDICINA NUCLEAR E IMAGEN MOLECULAR Doi: 10.1016/j.remnie.2015.05.004